Headlines :
Papal visit: Pope Benedict in London
The Pope has warned that religion - and Christianity in particular - is "being marginalised" around the world.
Speech at Westminster Hall : "a rallying call, and a plea - for religion not to be squeezed out by secular society"
"There are those who would advocate that the voice of religion be silenced, or at least relegated to the purely private sphere"
The Pope was speaking as a sixth man was arrested as counter-terrorism detectives investigate an alleged threat to Pope Benedict XVI's visit
There could not have been a more contradictory time to talk about marginalization of religion. The incidents surrounding the Papal visit, reminds us of the need to marginalize religion, to move out of the medieval period of religious barbarism, as the world is threatened by more and more people dedicated to die and kill for religion. Unlike the Pope we do not live in the safety of Rome.
The King who feasts
Asks his people to fast
And fast they do;
All of his country
Feasting don't decorate
The King's words
Nor does reverence run high
When the nation starves
What else than fast
Do his people do?
And when Pope asks us
To seek God;
To save religion
We all fold our hands to pray
His holiness who sits in Rome
Safe from all,
Inspire us no more.
What else do we mere mortals do?
In a world infested
By the sons of Abraham.